Request an Estimate

If you are interested in receiving an estimate for your rug cleaning or repair, please use our convenient on-line form below to send us details about your rugs. After completing the form below, you may also send us photos of your rugs to [email protected] . The more information you are able to provide, the more accurate our initial estimate is likely to be.

If you would like to make an appointment to drop off your rugs for service, please use our online tool to Make An Appointment.

The more information you are able to provide, the more accurate our initial estimate is likely to be. (Sample photos of woven, tufted, and other rug types are provided to help your identification.)

    Have You Used Our Services Before?

    Rug Dimensions

    Is your rug made from...

    Is your rug Woven or Tufted? (see sample photos) Woven (Can CLEARLY see design/color on back of rug.) Tufted (Back is covered by material or glue backing.)

    What is your rug type?

    Do you have pets?

    [group pets-yes]
    Are there any pet stains that you are aware of (feces, vomit, urine)?


    Has your rug been in a flood?

    Does your rug need repair?

    [group repair-yes]


    Would you like an estimate for a second rug?

    Any additional details that you wish to provide?

    Sample Rug Images

    Included below are some sample photos for reference as you are completing the ‘Request an Estimate’ form. Click to each image to open for a larger view.

    Rug Type (Flatweave, short pile, or shaggy long pile).

    Woven & Tufted Rugs