It’s getting to that time of year – the celebrations begin, and the cork pops off. Whether or not you have any seasonal events pencilled into your...
Fido, no! The Ultimate Guide to Pet Urine and Pet Stain Removal
If there’s one thing that the Bay area loves, it’s dogs. From San Francisco to Marin County, pups rule the parks, beaches, and, of course, our...
Cleaning carpet stains: Barbecue sauce
It’s barbecue season! And the buns, grills, and condiments are out. Of course, it’s only a matter of time before something, somewhere, spills and...
Stain Mishaps
Just like you consult with your pharmacist before mixing prescription drugs, make sure you consult your cleaner before self-diagnosing and treating your stains.
Four Reasons Why Pet Urine is a VERY difficult DIY
Pet accidents are the biggest drawback of owning a pet. They will happen no matter how well trained, behaved, and loved your pets are. Cat urine is especially damaging and has such a low surface tension that it quickly absorbs into everything – including sub-floors and walls.