Carpet Cleaning

Stain Mishaps

Stain Mishaps

Just like you consult with your pharmacist before mixing prescription drugs, make sure you consult your cleaner before self-diagnosing and treating your stains.

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Four Reasons Why Pet Urine is a VERY difficult DIY

Four Reasons Why Pet Urine is a VERY difficult DIY

Pet accidents are the biggest drawback of owning a pet. They will happen no matter how well trained, behaved, and loved your pets are. Cat urine is especially damaging and has such a low surface tension that it quickly absorbs into everything – including sub-floors and walls.

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One Sure Sign Of A Shady Carpet Guy

One Sure Sign Of A Shady Carpet Guy

Many clients ask us to clean their area rugs in place – in their homes. This is a common request, because a lot of carpet cleaners will do it, and do it cheap. They use the same machine they used on your wall to wall carpet, and call it clean.

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Summertime Protection

Summertime Protection

Summer time means long days, BBQ’s, and outdoor play (kids and grownups alike!) It also means you are tracking a significant amount of dirt into your home and onto your carpets and area rugs.

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